Snookie, who was arrested today for disorderly conduct, I absolutely love. Those ham hocks make me crazy!! Some like em thick, what can I say? And being a thick skinned brotha myself, it makes perfect sense. I also love her italian heritage, public display of beer bonging and I ♥ SNOOKIE shirt. Where do I get my I ♥ SIMS shirt?

Lohan. Lohan Lohan. My future wife – locked up and causing a scene. That's right, I said Lohan is wife material. "Why the fuck?" you ask? Because underneath it all, there's this girl. And I want to wake up next to that girl. The chances of it ever happening, due to blonde hair dye and her current stint behind bars, make it slim. But rumor is that several of Hollywood's top stylists have been put on call for the entire weekend. Their call time: TBA. Their location: Lynwood Jail.

Any other birds in the big house? I dunno, what's Kristen Bell up to? According to her tweets she's in Florida – @IMKristenBell: Me and Florida, sittin in a tree – which is fine by me. I love to jet ski!

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