Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What do you do now my blue-eyed son...

I punched myself today.  Not on purpose like that stupid Jim Carrey movie.  Just karma slapping me around.  I deserved much worse.

What's on my shuffle?
Bright Eyes  [At The Bottom Of Everything]
Coconut Records  [West Coast]
Modest Mouse  [The World At Large]
Anything by The Shins
...and of course, Ryan Adams

What's on my shirt?

What's on my mind?
Pizza in the fridge and some other things.

Why am I doing this?
Because I'm about as lame as they come.

I just moved.  Here is one of my new drawers.  Exciting huh?
sunglasses -- broken.
trojans -- probably expired in 2003.
remington bag -- awesome.
credit card receipts -- suck.

Another exciting Wednesday night.  Goodnight.

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