2010. The adventure continues...
The Winter Sun
So we made it. We marched through an adventurous winter of left lung fails, late night goodbyes and Steeler season cries. After my brief stint at the local infirmary it was back to business. I took a fancy new gig at my favorite Hollywood home, World of Wonder, working on a brand new docu-series airing later this year. It's been an interesting experience working on a production from an office point of view, but I'm sure it's worth it. The show has been shooting in New York City and the crew and I have been working like dogs producing the series. I've also have had the chance to live in NYC while not having to leave LA. As I said, "from an office point of view."
As spring rolled through we enjoyed the return of some Compound chaos and late night dancing with the people we love. We said goodbye to regular strangers and hello to old faces. Life is a lot like an 22 episode sitcom. Some episodes are fluff while others lead to a great string of events. Spring was the end of the fluff.
The Sound of Summer
It's now summer 2010 and several new adventures are upon us. For starters, the long awaited and much anticipated DVD release of The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It drops today. With magazine covers appearing around town, phone interviews being scheduled and TV spots appearing before movie previews, this has all become quite cool. Will it continue with more exciting opportunities? Or will I just be some guy who looked like that fat guy from Superbad? Negative Sims wants to say the latter, but lately I've been trying to be more positive. That being said, go buy the DVD. On sale today.
With the DVD release here and Jonah Hill's Get Him To The Greek billboards all around town (a lot like our early hay days back in '07) the excitement of having a doublingganger has begun to rise again. It's been established that although slightly smaller and kinder, no matter what hair cut or look I have, I still resemble this fucking guy. Never the less, Get Him To The Greek doesn't feature side-splitting bonus material like The 41-Year-Old Virgin does. One special feature included on the DVD is Being Jonah Hill – a look at my relationship with Jonah Hill and the making of the Phalco short, Destroying Jonah Hill. Yes sir indeed. The Phalco boys managed to make their way onto a DVD disturbed by FOX. Featured clips from our 2008 short, Destroying Jonah Hill, along with a "60 Minutes" style interview with yours truly, makes this DVD a must buy. So seriously, go buy the DVD. Available at Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Blockbuster and on Netflix in July. And thanks for the support.
The Future of '10 and Beyond
So what else is down the pipe line? Production begins this July for a brand new web series I'm co-directing and producing with writer/actress and iO West superstar, Sophia Zolan. / Mr. Bug co-creators and Phalco buds, Alison Trumbull and Dylan Stern, have apparently drafted up a short script for me to star in. I made only one request, no Superbad shirt. / Ivan Ehlers feature, Guns Don't Kill People, wrapped shooting last month and will be making it's way to the festival circut soon. I play the character of "Dirty Dan" and had a great time on set working with Ivan and his fantastic team. Getting to kill some people was pretty cool too. / And of course the turtle moving boys of Phalco Films are around and planning for a few new projects. I mean, it's the year of adventure so don't be surprised if we drift off on our own and try new things. That's just how we roll. But we promise ideas are being penned and new projects will be in the works soon.
Life is different this side of 2009. That is with out a doubt. But sometimes different is the only adventure we need. Enjoy it. I know I am.
-- Steven M. Sims