So here we are. The first day back after Christmas vacation. A day which has sucked for as long as I can remember. My Christmas/End Of The Year celebration has always started the Monday after Thanksgiving. Three weeks of hard work, thought collection and completion and then two weeks of rest, relaxation and preparation. It forever has been my favorite time of the year.
This year didn't hold any type of special significance or meaning. But it did mark the end of an era if you will. It marks the start of my third year in L.A. It marks a new beginning for love. It marks a new age for Phalco Films. It marks the start of my first feature film. It marks a new Macbook Pro with working keyboard and less freeze time. It marks a clean mind and refreshed soul. It marks happiness. Yes, happiness. All era-ending acceptable in my book.
My time spent at home with friends and family was the ultimate cleanse. I tied up lose ends and lived life again with no worries. In a weird way, although the week has yet to start, I feel like my mind set on vacation will carry over with me in 2009. It might be short lived, but I should really try to make it long lasting. (sigh) It feels good. It feels good to know that my mind is back in place and that the past is behind me. It's pretty safe to say that I feel the best I have in years. I'd say three years to be exact.
Well it's Monday and we're back. Thanks to everyone who made the holiday season so enjoyable. It wouldn't of been what it was with out any of you. Enjoy your 2009 and remember to live. It's fun.
-- Steven M. Sims
Music Picks :: Wishful Thinking by Wilco & Take the Money and Run by Steve Miller Band for Davie K.