Well unfortunately it's that time of year again. Time to file your taxes. I must say I really don't understand any of it. My college roommate and dear friend Spilner is an accountant. For some fucked up reason he loves it. I don't know, whatever floats your boat I guess. I on the other hand hate numbers. Especially numbers that are involved with money. You would think being a son of a banker that that would have some effect on me. Nope. I did take an accounting class senior year of high school though. I remember sitting next to Mark Jack while he held his hand to his ear and would listen to
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Picture Of Nectar with out Ms. Zidak noticing his discman stuffed in his hoodie. I didn't learn a single thing about accounting that year, but I did learn everything you need to know about Phish. It was a good class.
"Taxes are DONE! The mailman just took them. California wasn't easy, hopefully it is right. If not I'll bring you cake with a file in it when I visit you in jail." -- My Mom (She's a lovely lady)