Monday, April 28, 2008

Cheetos: Get What You Want

Random Act of Cheetos Contest 2008 (we got disqualified for eating Fritos on set)
Featuring: Jeremy Tague, Mike Roach, Phil Ranta, Steve Sims & Alison Trumbull

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Feel a Rebellion

If you're going to Coachella this weekend you will not be seeing The Arcade Fire.  But you will be seeing MGMT, Prince, The Raconteurs, and many other killer acts.  I contemplated going with the WOW crew, but unfortunately the budget just wasn't there.  But good thing I didn't purchase that $300.00 ticket of musical gold.  Because I'll be spending my weekend eating Cheetos behind a camera.

Falco Films dips the tip into commercial production and marketing. How do you like them apples?  Or should I say Cheetos?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Writer, Director, Producer, Man...

One second sooner and Judd would of been hit with a DVD and Roach would of been in the street. John Lennon would of been proud.

Over the weekend the boys of Falco Films stormed the gates of the El Capitan Theatre in hopes to finally have the face to face they've been waiting for with comedy God, Judd Apatow.  After an exciting meet and greet with Jonah Hill last November at the Jack Oakie celebration of comedy, Falco decided that it was now time to go after the big dog, Apatow himself.  And what better way then by lingering around Jimmy Kimmel's green room.  Although we could of left with Samm Levine's contact info and resume, we did not have the fortunate luck of meeting Apatow.  But life is long and the way things have been going I have a feeling Falco will be face to face with Apatow much sooner than later.  As for Samm Levine I doubt we can say the same.

Thanks to Erin and Dan for the hook up.  It sure was an awesome time.

Apatow on Kimmel -- Friday, April 18, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Humps Day

I love L.A.  Enough said.

Enjoy your hump day and if you're working the weekend like some people just remember, Friday is still Friday.  And you're allowed to show up for work hungover on Saturdays.  Peace homies.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Well unfortunately it's that time of year again.  Time to file your taxes.  I must say I really don't understand any of it.  My college roommate and dear friend Spilner is an accountant.  For some fucked up reason he loves it.  I don't know, whatever floats your boat I guess.  I on the other hand hate numbers.  Especially numbers that are involved with money.  You would think being a son of a banker that that would have some effect on me.  Nope.  I did take an accounting class senior year of high school though.  I remember sitting next to Mark Jack while he held his hand to his ear and would listen to Rift and Picture Of Nectar with out Ms. Zidak noticing his discman stuffed in his hoodie.  I didn't learn a single thing about accounting that year, but I did learn everything you need to know about Phish. It was a good class.

"Taxes are DONE!  The mailman just took them. California wasn't easy, hopefully it is right.  If not I'll bring you cake with a file in it when I visit you in jail."  -- My Mom (She's a lovely lady)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Greetings from Los Angeles!

Life on the west coast.  We're doing just fine...

Daryl Hall & John Oates "Return to the Troubadour" tickets went on sale this week.  For the low price of $200.00 you can enjoy an evening of "Rich Girl", "Maneater", and of course everyone's favorite, "Private Eyes". Just think, if John Lennon was still alive we could all attend, heckle and then be thrown into the street.  Aw, 1974...what a year.

Hall & Oates circa 1974

Lennon & Nelson circa 1974

So there's no Ninja's in Hollywood.  I see tourist, Scientologists, Hare Krsna's and a slue of movie stars; Shrek, Spiderman, Captain Jack, Mickey Mouse, another Spiderman, Flava Flav, Batman...I could go on forever .  It's great and all, but no Ninja's anywhere.  That is of course they are that good and I just can't see them.  Think about it.

I've definitely seen that guy on Hollywood Blvd.

Nasty Nate has been known for a lot of things.  But at Saturday nights Compound Bake Off he ran an illegal poker tourney that made the World Poker Tour look like a bunch of fruitcups.

Nasty Nate's Midnight Poker Tournament
...They play all night.  Even when the lights are out.

Falco <3's Chubarama

It's hard not to fall in love with those cats over at Chubarama.  They not only love our dear friend Jonah Hill and his handsome look-alike, yours truly, but also the boys of Falco Films. It's been a gay guys loving straight men month over here at Falco and the plugs continue to keep getting better. Thanks to Chubarama, The WOW Report and Tom Cruise for all the support and love.  It's not official yet if anyone at Falco Films has taken "just the tip" but if anything does come to surface these guys will be the first to know.  Toodles.

Some gay/striaght love for all your "hump day" action.

My Humps Day

An old favorite this week.  Just seemed like the perfect fit.  Hope that's what you're in to.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Officer Sims

While dining at Kung Pao Kitty in Hollywood with my good friend Erin, I received this fortune:
"Today you will find something you have been looking for."

Moments later I saw this...

It's a souped-up RoboCop segway!! Nothing else needs said, other than; "Incredible. I'm having an incredible year."

Dr. Jones and that jerk from "Even Stevens"

On my way to work.  Awesome.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Humps Day

The Apatow Universe brings on the action comedy.  My guess, "Movie of the Year".  Well played again my good slurs, well played.

Enjoy your hump days.  And remember, summer is coming if you're still feeling shitty.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pasta Hut!

Look out "Two for Tuesdays", Pizza Hut now serves pasta!