Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Best Musical 2008
Due to a hectic December, current laptop issues, and a two week vacation back east, I haven't been able to be online very much. So at some point I missed this. It's quite fun. Director Adam Shankman and the hilarious people at Funny or Die give us "Prop 8 - The Musical." Featuring a star-studded ensemble of Jack Black, Neil Patrick Harris, John C. Reilly and my favorite Margaret Cho, as well as many others. Enjoy...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
For fans of the Pixies and crazy people in general.
Still Picking...
Told you he was crazy! Modest Mouse frontman, Issac Brock, picking with his teeth at a show earlier this year.
And thats how Modest Mouse began...
So you thought that the 2003 MGMT performance was cool? Well check out this rare one from Jeremy Tague's personal favorite, Modest Mouse.
All we need now is rare 1993 footage of Issac Brock and company practicing in the shed he built after police evicted him for living on the second floor of a flooded house. Crazy? Tell me about it. Issac Brock is full of amazing tales. Here's him describing his 10 day stint in jail during an interview with The A.V. Club:
"When I first showed up, there were people who'd try to make me give them my lunch, and I'd be like, "No, get the fuck away from me!!" That worked. The white gangsters were hilarious. I was in a holding cell with three of 'em, and they're all just telling their superthug stories about how they can outrun all the cops. I had no sense of humor, and I was like, "Why don't you guys shut the fuck up? You're in jail. You apparently aren't so hot at outrunning cops." There was this one dude wearing the uniform they give you, and he was like, "All right! These are my new club clothes!" I'm just like, "You are an idiot. Shut the fuck up right now until I leave. This isn't fun!" Here's the rad thing: One of the dudes, this Little Lord Badass, was on the same cellblock as me, and when he'd get on the phone, it'd be, "Dad, you gotta bail me out of here!" It was awesome. Mostly, I just kept low-key. I had some late-40s, freaky, child-molester-looking dude basically saying that he was going to rape me. I sat down and played chess with him, and he was making all these creepy comments, so I was like, "OK, we're done playing this game." —Isaac Brock, The A.V. Club
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My Humps Day
Hands down, Beck never fails. Phalco's good friend and official web designer, Joey Maiocco, sent this little ditty our way early this morning. It kills. It straight up kills.
Stay tuned for more Beck fun as it has been announced that he is not doing any type of touring until March 2009. That only means two things; secret shows in L.A. and more awesome videos.
Stay tuned for more Beck fun as it has been announced that he is not doing any type of touring until March 2009. That only means two things; secret shows in L.A. and more awesome videos.
Also stay tuned for the brand new Phalco Films website coming in 2009. Yes, it has been announced...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Let's go to Kennywood Park!

It seems that director Greg Mottola only directs films that oddly have a connection with me. First there was Superbad, where he casted some jerk who looked just like me and now there is Adventureland, in which the entire film was shot in my hometown of Pittsburgh at everyone's favorite Kennywood Park. Looks like another good film for the long awaited 2009.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Phalco Penguins
So for the last three years I have been a huge fan of NCAA '06 Football for the PS2. It came out the same year that all those current NFL bums, Matt Leinart, Vince Young and Reggie Bush, we're competing for the Heisman and finishing their senior year.
A few months back as college football was starting to begin I returned to my second favorite football game of all-time (first obviously being Super Techno Bowl for NES, which I still own) and created a team known as the Phalco Penguins. With myself in the halfback spot, Roach taking snaps and JT out to the left we had a pretty solid freshman quad. Others included; D. Stern at wide out, D. Kasnevich at free safety, T. Kay at thrid string Quarterback and many others of the Phalco Army. We ended our season with a Holiday Bowl win against Nebraska (49-41) and second in the Pac 10.
A few months back as college football was starting to begin I returned to my second favorite football game of all-time (first obviously being Super Techno Bowl for NES, which I still own) and created a team known as the Phalco Penguins. With myself in the halfback spot, Roach taking snaps and JT out to the left we had a pretty solid freshman quad. Others included; D. Stern at wide out, D. Kasnevich at free safety, T. Kay at thrid string Quarterback and many others of the Phalco Army. We ended our season with a Holiday Bowl win against Nebraska (49-41) and second in the Pac 10.
Last night, after a very tired-some Steeler football game, I spent the evening recruiting, training and preparing the fierce Phalco Penguins for their sophomore season. The schedule is set, the line up is in and the Heisman watch begins with last season's Heisman hopeful, Mike Roach and Phalco's deep threat, Jeremy Tague.

Heisman Watch -- Tague, Phalco's deep threat, may have the best hands in college football.
Stay tuned for more Phalco Football updates as our very own Penguins make their way to an undefeated season and a BCS Bowl!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
2nd Annual Very Merry Phalco Christmas
Haul out the holly and hang up the mistletoe for the 2nd Annual Very Merry Phalco Christmas. Come one, come all to a holiday extravaganza that brings out the true meaning of Christmas...get drunk and make out with a stranger.

Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 8:00pm
90 West Lounge
12740 Culver Blvd. Los Angeles, CA
For more information email Phalco at

Hope to see you there!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Kooks MGMT Cover
Awesome cover week continues here on The Boil. Here's those crazy kids, The Kooks, randomly busting out MGMT's "Kids" at the Indie 103.1 studio in L.A. earlier this year.
Friday, December 5, 2008
MGMT Talking Heads Cover
A totally random find that fits our theme of "awesome covers". Performed on April 20, 2003 at Wesleyan University.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My Humps Day
With all this Christmas love in the air and the excitement of girls calling you after giving them your number, I thought what better Hump Day treat than this classic from everyone's favorite, Mike Damone. Enjoy...
He's Just That Into This Film
He's Just Not That Into You
So doesn't this just look fabulous? The cast, incredible. The Clash, awesome. The subject matter, amazing. I can't wait. The more Affleck the better I say. "Feel Good Of The Year" 2009. You heard it here first.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday at the fax machine...
Monday, December 1, 2008
December 1st
There are only two things you have to do:
1) Pay your rent.
2) And smile. It's Christmas.
1) Pay your rent.
2) And smile. It's Christmas.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Still Funny, People

I've read the script. I've worked on the set. I've even chatted with the Sandman himself. But what I haven't done is tell them in 100 words or less why I should be in the next Judd Apatow film.

Phalco's own Mike Roach was so intrigued by the fact that Funny People DP, Janusz Kaminski, jogs everyday during lunch that he only had to use 16 words to tell them why he should be in the flick. Will he get the gig? Most likely he will, then they will see that he is affiliated with me and send a nice email asking for him not to return to set. Deja Vu?
Skeletor hated high school.

So it's Friday and I thought we'd throw an old favorite out there for everyone to enjoy. This little ditty came out at a time when the beer flowed like boxed wine and life was just a little easier. The world has had a long few weeks, so take five minutes this morning, eat a bagel and enjoy some André 3000. Cheers!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This post is in response to This Post written earlier today. The post described an event where a group of individuals harangued a local business owner who contributed some small amount of money to the campaign to ban gay marriage. As one would imagine, the mob and the media presence caused the business owner a great deal of distress. The group of protesters wanted to try to force the business owner to apologize or be punished with a boycott.
I have a couple of opinions on the matter. One, publicly assailing a person for something they believe isn't necessary. This kind of physical pressure is dangerous and counter productive. It can also undermine the type of argument the protesters want to make. If the protestors want to convey that they should be able to live their lives without interference then they are better off not interfering with other peoples lives. At least by means of harassment or humiliation.
Yet, I would support the idea of boycotting people that publicly supported or financed the gay marriage ban. And I support that for the sole purpose that as a society that is based on consumerism the most tangible right you possess is where you spend the money you make. So if you disagree with someone you have no right to impose yourself on their rights but you also shouldn't be obligated to compensate them either. In this capacity you aren't interfering with anyones life but rather expressing your right as a consumer.
So, in conclusion, research your purchases. If you don't want to support a particular establishment because you don't believe what they stand for then don't. Don't light shit on their door step; just don't go there. If you don't like black babies getting their arms cut off stop buying diamonds. If you don't like Indonesian kids working 16 hours a day for a handful of rice stop buying 2 dollar flip-flops. And if you don't like your local burger joint contributing to get gay marriage banned eat a waffle.
Commentary welcome
Erase The Hate
As reported earlier this week by The Boil's New York corespondent, Keith Olbermann, we here at Phalco Films obviously stand for and support same-sex marriage, different-sex marriage and marriage to a big old rhino if that is your thing. But what we don't stand for are idiots who ruin someone's life because they're angry, upset and disagree.
Earlier today my dear friend and WOW Report editor, Stephen Saban posted this. I knew a little about the situation last night from hearing things around town, but hoped that what I was hearing was untrue. Sadly it isn't. After a week of peaceful protests, colorful signs and voices being heard all through out our nation, several supporters of NO on Prop 8 have now joined together to ban and boycott the El Coyote restaurant in Los Angeles. Why you ask? Because a women took her rights as an American and supported something that in her opinion wasn't right. I decided to post a comment under one of my many alter ego's to express my opinion on how awful, hypocritical and hateful this whole situation is.
Robert Zimmerman writes:
This is wrong. I 100% disagree with YES on Prop 8, but isn't this getting out of hand? Her opinion is her own opinion and she is allowed to express that opinion because she is an American. In my opinion it is completely wrong to keep two people from being able to share in the bond of marriage, but to force someone to apologize which leads them to shaking and crying is total bullshit. I understand you're upset, and I understand that this isn't fair and I stand behind all of you 100%, but this isn't right. Be the better person and let her live her life just like you're asking to live yours. This will pass I promise you that and I look forward to when it does. But it's not going to pass this way. "The ban is on. BOYCOTT EL COYOTE and any business that supports yes on 8". -- Give me a break, you just sound like an idiot. Be the better person because the last thing our country needs is more hate. Remember what your mother taught you, "two wrongs don't make a right."-- Steven M. Sims
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How would you like it if you couldn't marry who you love?
Keith Olbermann reminding us about the true meaning of Hope.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Bush Is Over
This morning I got chills as I watched President Bush meet with his cabinet to discuss the transition to President Elect Barack Obama. It felt weird to feel a chill while watching Dubya on the screen. Most of the time I am trying to figure out if it's really him or just some random SNL sketch featuring Will Farrell. Bush laid down a few jokes and reminded the crowd that terrorist stopping and freedom are still this nation's number one priority. A few cheers came from the crowd and for the first time in almost two years a twinkle came to Bushy's eye. It was like he just scored the game winning touchdown. I mean what could of possibly went through his mind there? Did those few cheers, which were almost overpowered by crickets, really make him feel confident in his Presidency? Who the fuck knows. This guy just doesn't get it. Oh well, it's over. Finally fucking over. I now look forward to running into GW at a bar in Texas someday. We can sit, pound brews and talk baseball. It will finally give him a chance to do something he is good at.
January 20, 2009 ...We can not wait.
-- Steven M. Sims
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yes We Did
Congratulations to Barack Obama for making history, changing politics and becoming the 44th President of the United States of America. Your beautiful words, wisdom and passion for this country are what we need. It is with out a doubt a time for change.
Obama '08 = Success and nothing less.
Obama '08 = Success and nothing less.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I DO want to ride it all night long.
I set my entire iPhoto library to my screen saver over the weekend and spent a lot of time just sitting and watching. While I watched Tom Cochran's "Life Is A Highway" played on repeat in my head. It was awesome.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
JT McBirthday
Happy Birthday to Phalco writer/actor
Boil blogger, Jeremy Tague!

...yes ladies he loves to make sexy.
Joe "I Will Get You In The Sack" Plumber
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween kids and slids! What are you wearing to the office today? Are you a devil or a Ghostbuster? Maybe you went the more conservative route and wore no pants. Who knows, who cares, it's Halloween!!

Harry Poter by Lindsay Woods-Maiocco

Draco Malfoy by Joey Maiocco

The Punisher by Ricardo Gonzalez

Guy in a V-neck by Jeremy Tague

Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn by Ted Rose

Hot Stuff by Steven Sims
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Baseball Still?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Not so Funny, People.
It's been a funny couple of weeks. Funny being the key word.
About a month ago I was offered to work as Jonah Hill's stand-in for Judd Apatow's new film, Funny People. The gig came out of nowhere due to the right people seeing Destroying Jonah Hill and I must say it was an amazing feat. It felt so good to know that the film was being seen and that something so bazaar and so unexpected might come from it. After persuading a polite casting assistant into passing along my contact info and after several emails and phone calls I was set up with an interview. It was an early morning meet and greet on set in Malibu. I felt like Vinny Chase. I spent majority of the interview sitting along side extras and other stand-ins waiting and starring. Starring into the window that sat across from me. Starring at the reflection of myself, asking "How did I get here?" After some time and a quick chat with Adam Sandler about my canny looks I was brought in. It was like a car accident, it all happened so fast. There was an AD and lot's of lights. A giant jib and Janusz Kaminski. I couldn't believe it. He made a joke, gave a nod and they walked me out. As I left the set I was brought back for one last look. This ended with a handshake, a smile and a "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Judd."
The two weeks that followed consist of headaches, serious mental issues and a lot of celebration. It was rough. I had to not only figure out what to do about my job at WOW but I also had to balance the excitement of having a check book that loved to dance right above the red. It sucked. But with some positive thinking and an unexpected moon change things came together better than perfect. World of Wonder worked out a deal that allowed me work on the film and return comfortably home to WOW. It was perfect, I had my cake and I was eating it too. And it was yummy.
I really didn't know what to expect next. I've never worked on a feature before. My mind was blown. There I was an inspiring writer/director getting paid to sit and watch. I couldn't stop thinking how many people I knew that would pay to have this opportunity. To sit and watch Apatow direct. It was amazing. Fucking amazing. My first days on set where an experience like no other. I had to look like a six year old on Christmas. I couldn't believe any of it. I kept to myself and did my job, being the best stand-in I could be. I'm not going to lie though, it wasn't easy. I felt like I should of been helping the gaffers or running to get someone coffee. It just didn't feel right to sit and watch. But that's what I did. I sat. And I watched.
But like all good things they must come to an end. Unfortunately for me, my good thing ended earlier than planned. After days of praise for being such an amazing stand-in (not because of my talents but because of my looks) by wardrobe, AD's, hairstylists, the cast and pretty much everyone else on set, I was let go. It was like being dumped at prom. It hurt so bad. But that's Hollywood. And to be honest, I'm better than a stand-in anyway. I got what I needed. An experience like no other. I'll never know the exact reason why I was let go. Something will always tell me it was due to a certain actor being jealous, but who knows. All I know is that it was fun, and that's all that really matters.
-- Steven M. Sims

Set of Funny People - Sony Lot
October 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Breakfast With The Obama's

The Obama's enjoying some coffee and juice at the world's greatest breakfast diner in the world's greatest city. Pamela's Diner - Pittsburgh, PA. (thanks to Cornibe for the link)
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